Can you spot Elder Newton among these happy kimchi chefs? (back row, slightly left of center) |
Discover Kimchi
Lift and splat
Long activity but not really any news about it*
Stop the problem
Write everything you'll say about Kimchi in the Discover poem
The proof is pixels
So it's been a pretty busy week. Last Pday we mostly spent teaching. It was pretty fun, but also shopping was hecka rushed.
of last week. I have to give a quick shoutout to Elder Brown, because
if he wasn't there, y'all would have no pictures of me. He always was
saying, "No, they want pictures of you, not that mailbox." It was fun.
this week in English class I performed "Hamlet." Well. just
the soliloquy. But still. We were just doing a show and tell, and when I
gave them the option of
"Canterbury" or "Hamlet," they chose "Hamlet." It went
pretty well. I got a
choco pie for it.
Oh, also we had a cool talk from this guy,
PJ Rogers,
on Wednesday.
He had a lot of great advice and was also really funny. Look him up
sometime, he had like a radio show in Korea and also got his bachelor's
or something† entirely in Korean. He went to like
one of the best schools here. So yeah, cool guy.
And I don't
really have any other memes, sorry. Christmas is fast approaching as a
missionary in a country where there's no Thanksgiving, but I'll wait
until next week to tell y'all about that. Have a fun Thanksgiving! Elder
Brown and I are planning on eating a whole box of mandarin oranges to
celebrate. It'll be a blast. See y'all next week!
Elder Newton
* Elder Newton and his zone made and packaged kimchi for elderly and needy people in cooperation with the Korean Red Cross on Tuesday.
† Actually it was an MBA.