Discover Cookies
Crave and Crunch
Short Recipe but Long Hours
Stop the Problem
"Cat- Oh what's the word?- Cat memes"*
The proof is defense
We like to have fun here with our hundreds of cookies |
Us giving them out on the street |
Elder 문승호. He is the best dad ever, and that's not even his kid |
More ward party |
RIP Sister Lenhart. ’Twas fun, but now she gets to go back to America. |
So yeah, I made so many cookies this week, and also was not transferred. That's about all the news.
But I'd feel bad if I didn't say more, so here's a quick miracle:
Seoul has two address systems. They changed it two years ago to this really
great system that actually makes sense. Like it's great and you always
know where you're going.
The problem is that
none of our church records have this nice system. Instead we have the
old one that is basically made of nonsense and random numbers. Like if
it weren't for 부동산s† I would never find any member houses.
we were attempting to navigate the streets of Seoul last night, and it
was not going well. See, when they changed the address system, they also
took down all the old signs. So to find the old address on a building
you have to scour for the old address sharpied on the wall. You can see
why we were failing.
After like half an hour,
we're standing in the middle of a sidestreet, looking lost, when
suddenly the guy we're looking for turns the corner. Turns out he's
attending his old church again, but he was happy we visited him. We
invited him to Christmas sacrament meeting,
See y'all next time!
Elder Newton
* Elder Newton never did explain about the cat memes or the defense. Maybe next week.
† I asked if 부동산 was like an A-to-Zed (Google just told me it means "real estate") and he said it's kind of like that.